Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One everyone should see

This past weekend I watched a movie called Taking Chance. It was a very interesting movie, and it will definitely stir up emotions. I am placing a link here so that anyone that hasn't seen it can read about it. ( I think all Americans should see this movie because it really lets us know the sacrifices that are being made, and that any soldier that dies overseas is taken care of all the way to the grave.

There are a lot of Tea Party's this week throughout the U.S., and this is a great peaceful opportunity to go out and show that the people still have the power in this country. If we let the government make all of our decisions (as they're trying to do now), then we are doomed to become a Socialist and Communist-type nation. Is that what we really want? I don't think that's what our country's founders were all about either.


RatEubanks_Room605 said...

About 75% of that movie made me wanna cry, but it was a great movie anyway. "A must see"

-Eubanks movie review board.-

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you didn't write about yours and Barrett's race. 1st and 7th are excellent in my book.

Maybe I'll see this movie someday. You know when I'm not doing work, I'm trying to keep up with Smallville, Heroes, Reaper, Supernatural, Chuck, My Name Is Earl, The Office, Fringe, and sometimes Sanctuary. I love my shows. :)