Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Recovery from Surgery

Today is exactly one week since I had arthroscopic knee surgery for plica syndrome. I have been doing my exercises very religiously, and although I don't feel like I've had much improvement, the physical therapist says I'm doing great. I do have to admit that my range of motion has increased from 84 degrees to 127 degrees since last Wednesday. So, I guess the numbers don't lie.

On the plus side, I got to ride an exercise bike at therapy today for five minutes. That's what I'm talkin' about!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Dude,
I'm glad you're okay. It always bothers me when you guys go into surgery. It reminds me that I haven't had that problem yet. I can't wait to see you up and running. Or maybe I should say riding. Glad you are okay. Take it easy.

schwinn160 said...

Get over it, ya pansy! I'd have run a dozen miles the next day before breakfast... Maybe...

RatEubanks_Room605 said...

WOO WOO!!! I love the exercise bike!!!