Monday, February 15, 2010

Finally, some snow

We finally got some snow here in Athens, AL that lasted more than an hour or so. With all the cold weather we've had this year, it's been amazing that we didn't have more snow so far--which brings me to those claiming global warming is causing this cold weather we're having this year. Really?? That's what we have to blame for the many days of the coldest winter we've had in forever? I am hard pressed to believe that the warming planet is causing us to get snow and cold weather in Alabama. It's gonna take way more than that to convince me.

On another note, the shooting this past Friday at UAH really got me thinking. We REALLY never know when our last moment on earth will be. Let's not forget to live each day to the fullest, and to enjoy family and friends whenever the opportunity arrises. Those folks who lost loved ones on Friday at UAH were planning on a normal Friday night, no doubt. Instead, they are left grieving. Any moment may be our last!! Let's not forget to be thankful for what we have--even if it's something that we don't see as special (unless we lost it).

Happy President's Day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed that snow, but the time for snow is gone.

Let's have a post about your recovery. What you're doing to stay in shape while you're out of commission. Looking forward to some disc golf. :)