Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fat Tuesday is upon us

Well today is the last day for all those participating in Lent to enjoy whatever it is you plan to sacrifice. I plan to sacrifice desserts (obviously a big whoop compared to what Christ did for me) and to read a book given to me by a friend. I really hope to take the 40 days of Lent and get closer to God by sacrificing something that shouldn't be a big deal (but it is)--both the sugary treats and my time.

I plan to have lots of chocolate chip cookies tonight (truth be told, I ate 3 for breakfast and 4 at lunch)!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Spin Instructing

I attended a Spinning Orientation this past weekend because I'm looking to become an indoor cycling instructor. I really enjoyed it (other than sitting on a hardwood floor for 3 hours). I hope that I can start sometime soon while the inner fires are burning brightly. I do have confidence in myself, but I know there are some tough things to deal with when being an indoor cycling instructor (i.e. workout types, music selections, etc.). I know I won't be the best right off, but I do hope that I can challenge my class and help them to improve their fitness. Oh, by the way, I will be performing different workouts each class. I've attended some classes that do the same workouts every single time. That's cool if you only hit the class once a month or so, but once or twice a week--UGH!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just a Sunday afternoon in Toney, AL

On Sunday, Rachel, Barrett and myself (see picture) competed in the Toney Time Trial in Toney, AL. It was very windy, but we all did fairly well (https://www.usacycling.org/results/?permit=2009-209). I averaged 23.4, Barrett 22.4, and Rachel 20.4. I don't know what the deal was with the ".4", but we all had it. This was our first foray into the cycling community here in Huntsville. We were a tad out of place, but only because we didn't know anyone. We're used to going to triathlons and being the ones with all the knowledge about what to do, but Sunday was a totally different story. I had to get help from someone on how to put on the race number because it goes on your back on the right side. That's way different from the stomach--which is where I'm used to putting a race number. Anyway, we had fun, we did well, and I'm kicking myself for not bringing my time trial bike--I thought it's dimensions were illegal, but apparently that only counts in "Nationals" type events.