Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A cold snap

Today was my first day since last winter to have hot chocolate (of course with marshmallows). I walked outside to get the garbage can, and WOWZA, YOWZA. It was quite a difference from the day before.

Anyway, tomorrow is a big day for me. I go back to the doctor for the first time. I know I will be getting my stitches out, and I'll also be doing therapy at the doctor's office. I don't know what that will consist of, but I'm excited about losing the stitches for sure. Definitely an update will be provided after the appointment.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Another therapy update

Today, therapy finally started approaching what I've hoped it would from the beginning. Starting with riding the exercise bike, then squats, leg extensions, step ups, etc. No "fru-fru" leg exercises where I just sit and tense up my quad muscle. On the downside, the therapist said that I may swelling in my knee up until 2 months after the surgery date (YIKES!).

Currently, I am reading the book of Revelation, and I'm really trying to get something out of it. To assist, I'm reading Revelation Revealed along with my daily readings. I want to know what the future holds, and nothing can say it better than the Bible.

I'm looking forward to resting tonight--I always sleep much better when it's cold, and it is going to be COLD tonight (at least for Alabama in October).

Friday, October 24, 2008

Being adventurous = being stupid

Today I had to take something up to the next floor while at work. Instead of just taking the elevator (which taking an elevator up one floor is a pet peeve), I decided that I could handle going up one flight of stairs. In reality, I could go up the stairs, but at what expense. I went up them slowly and awkwardly, and afterwards my knee didn't feel the same for an hour or so. Thus, the lesson for today is wait until I'm released from the doctor before attempting any more stairs.

As sort of a funny twist, I get new exercises everyday at therapy. Today's new exercise was stepping up on a step and back down again. While this does mimick the movement of going up stairs, the step I used was only four inches tall (half of what I went up already today). My how interesting the universe is.

As for tomorrow, GO VOLS!!! The whole season could be salvaged if we can win tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Brita Pitcher

This morning at 5:45, I went to Wal-Mart to obtain a Brita water filter pitcher for my new office. The reason for getting the pitcher is Boeing's water is AWFUL!!! Anyway, I looked up and down multiple isles trying to find Brita pitchers. After looking for 20 minutes, I decided to ask someone, and what-do-you-know they were in the automotive section. I really don't know why I couldn't have guessed that right off the bat anyway. I mean, when I'm driving down the road I always think of Brita water pitchers. NOT!!!

Needless to say, the pitcher is now installed and was used today. Thank goodness for charcoal filtering.

On a plus note, my knee is continuing to improve. I am very pleased with my improvement today, and I think it has a little to do with me wearing running shoes to the office instead of dress shoes. After Monday, my knee was really an issue and I feel that was partially due to the crappy dress shoes I wore.

As for tonite, go RAYS!!!! (I'm not a die-hard Rays fan, but I do think last place to first place in one season is pretty darn cool!)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Recovery from Surgery

Today is exactly one week since I had arthroscopic knee surgery for plica syndrome. I have been doing my exercises very religiously, and although I don't feel like I've had much improvement, the physical therapist says I'm doing great. I do have to admit that my range of motion has increased from 84 degrees to 127 degrees since last Wednesday. So, I guess the numbers don't lie.

On the plus side, I got to ride an exercise bike at therapy today for five minutes. That's what I'm talkin' about!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ah, the beginning...

Today is the beginning of me sharing myself with the world. Hopefully, it will be an entertaining experience for everyone. Wow, I'm tired, peace out.