Friday, April 2, 2010

Wow, what a car

Well, it has been forever since I made a post, but I have been BUSY!!

Over spring break, I drove a car that is worth more than my house. It was a Mercedes Benz, in particular one of the limited edition AMG models. It had 500+ horsepower, convertible hard-top, smart-shift,...

Basically, it had everything I've ever thought about. Then when I talked with the owner, it had more!!

I didn't ask to drive the car, I just asked if the owner would give me a ride in it. However, he said to jump in and go, so of course I did. I rode with my brother for about 5 minutes in the car. One time, we punched the gas while going 50 mph and it accelerated to 80 mph in about 1-1.5 seconds. It pushed us back in the seat like a roller coaster. It was really awesome to get that feeling. Prior to this the most horsepower I had experienced was around 350 (which is a lot in itself).

Anyway, back to the price. This car was worth around $140K, and my house didn't cost anywhere near that amount. It was weird riding in something that expensive.

Anyway, that was one of my highlights of spring break this year. The other was planting about 300 pine and sawtooth oak trees on my parent's land. That was fun for sure, but not quite the rush of 500+ horsepower!